What's your skin type? If you're like many people, you experience at least occasional dry skin. Flaky and dry skin can be frustrating, uncomfortable, and even embarrassing. 

If you've been trying every moisturizer for dry skin and nothing seems to work, it's time to start looking for alternative solutions. You deserve to have flake-free skin that glows.

We're here to talk about how to get rid of dry skin (and what might be causing it). Read on to learn more. 


Determine the Cause of Your Dry Skin

Before you can start fixing your dry skin problem effectively, it's a good idea to determine any possible causes. If you keep throwing solutions at the problem and it doesn't work, it's likely that there's an underlying issue that you haven't addressed yet. 

Your skin is sensitive. Its moisture barrier (the outermost layer) is easy to damage. While it's fixable, if the cause of the damage isn't removed, you'll continue running into the same problem over and over again.

Here are a few potential causes of your dry skin. Analyze your health and your environment to see if any of them apply to you. 


Dry Air

Dry air is a huge problem for your skin, especially if you're new to it. Anyone who's ever lived in a humid area knows that your skin can stay dewy with minimal effort (for better or for worse). When you move into an area with more desert-like conditions, this is no longer the case.

Your skin needs to be able to pull moisture in from the environment. Even using serums like hyaluronic acid serum won't be as effective if there's no moisture in the air. 

Even if you live in an area that's normally humid, winter poses a problem. If you try to stay cozy near a fire or a space heater, you're drying out the air around you. If you're too close, that's drying out your skin.

Find other ways to stay warm or put yourself a few feet away from the heat source. 


Skin Conditions

If you have an underlying skin condition, you're more likely to have dry and scaly skin. In this case, it's a good idea to consult with a dermatologist.

Common skin conditions that cause a dry skin rash include:

While you can take steps to heal your dry skin during breakouts with ointments and lotions, it's best to talk to a dermatologist for specific solutions. You don't want to irritate your skin further. 


Weather Conditions

The weather is able to impact your skin! That's right, you can do everything right and still deal with dry skin struggles.

As we mentioned before, dry desert air is notorious for causing dry skin on the face and dry skin patches on your body. If you're currently experiencing a lot of sunlight, and you aren't wearing proper sun protection, this can also cause dry and flaky skin. 


Hot Water

Do you love taking hot and steamy showers? We have bad news for you.

While the steam from the shower is great for your skin, the burning hot water is not. It can suck the moisture from your body or cause small amounts of damage that will otherwise harm your skin. 


Harsh Products

Even if you have the best skincare routine (so you think), it's possible that your body is reacting to harsh products or fragrances in your skincare. 

Some skincare ingredients aren't suitable for everyone. What works for one person may cause excessive dryness for another. We'll talk about modifying and improving your skincare routine later on in the article so you can start making better choices and improving your skin. 



When you have unexpected dry patches around your body, it's possible that friction is the culprit. Consider the things that you do every day and how they might impact the points of contact on your skin.

Do you exercise? If you ever do planks on the carpet, you may experience dry skin patches on your forearms and elbows. They happen because the rough carpet is rubbing too hard against your skin.

This is also true if you work out with weights, machines, pull-up bars, or any other type of equipment. As your hands rub against the metal, you're breaking that first skin barrier and opening yourself up to dryness. 

If your pillow is rough, you can even cause dry skin by rubbing up against it at night!


How To Get Rid of Dry Skin

Now that you've put some thought into identifying the cause of your dry skin, how can you get rid of it? This is going to be a trial-and-error process. Remember, your skin is different from other people's skin, so what works for them may not work for you. 

With that in mind, here are a few suggestions. 


Upgrade or Modify Your Skincare Routine

If you don't have a consistent skincare routine, or if you think that your skincare routine is harmful or inadequate, it's time to upgrade it. Lucky for you, skincare is all the rage right now, and there are plenty of available products for every skin type. 

Look through your current skincare collection and get rid of anything that includes harsh ingredients or overwhelming fragrances. You want to keep your skincare simple, but effective.

Speaking of simplicity, you may be tempted to follow an excessive Korean skincare routine. While this does work for some people, it's best to start with a smaller routine to heal your skin before you start making massive changes.

Consider purchasing a complete skin renewal system for a hassle-free approach to your skincare. Have a professional assemble your skincare kit for you!


Use an Ointment or Oil 

After you finish your nightly skincare routine, you may benefit from adding an extra ointment or oil on top of your moisturizer. Remember: this won't work for everyone. For people who experience oily skin, it's a good idea to talk to a professional first. 

Make sure that if you use an oil, it's non-comedogenic. This means that it shouldn't clog your pores. You don't want to go from a dryness problem to an oil problem!

Leaving these products on overnight will keep the rest of your skincare safe while you sleep. If you still feel residue in the morning, use a cleanser when you wake up. 


Choose the Right Cleansers

Speaking of cleansers, not all cleansers are alike. Some cleansers are harsh enough that you might be causing your dryness just by washing your face.

Look for cleansers with gentle ingredients and avoid things like alcohol or peroxide. Even if you have oily skin, these products can cause dryness or cause your skin to overproduce oil (which will make the problem worse). 

If you know that you need a heavy cleanser to remove makeup or other products at night, we recommend double-cleansing. This means that you'll start with an oil cleanser and then your standard cleanser. This is more gentle on the skin and it's better for you than using a makeup wipe.

Bonus: double cleansing instead of using makeup wipes is also better for the environment.


Take Cooler Showers

We mentioned how hot water can damage your skin. Unfortunately, that means that it's time to turn down the temperature a few degrees. You can have your occasional dip in a hot bath from time to time, but keep your showers brief and lukewarm.

While your shower is running, make sure that you keep the door closed. You can trap all of that steam and create a DIY humidifier that should keep your skin feeling soft and moisturized. 


Moisturize After Bathing

After your bath or shower, moisturize your face and body right away. You want to trap all of that moisture before your skin has the opportunity to dry out.

There are some moisturizers that work well on damp skin, but you can also dry yourself off with a soft microfiber towel before moisturizing if your favorite product doesn't mix well with water.

This doesn't mean that you have to do your full skincare routine after your shower. It's common for people to shower in the middle of the day or hours before they're ready to go to bed. Even spraying a quick toner and using a daytime moisturizer will make a huge difference when it comes to preventing and fixing dry skin. 


Moisturize After Exercise

If you don't shower right after you exercise, make sure that you at least apply a good moisturizer. Don't do it beforehand so you don't risk slipping and hurting yourself.

As sweat dries on you, you may find that it dries out your skin. You'll also have to heal the damage that came from friction from weights or machines. 

There are moisturizers that you can use that are safe enough for exercise, but it's best to avoid them when you're doing intense exercise. Soft and moisturized skin is less important than a safe workout. 


Avoid Excessive Handwashing or Hand Sanitizer

At the moment, washing your hands often and keeping hand sanitizer nearby is important. It's cold and flu season and you don't want to get sick (or get anyone else sick!). With that in mind, do your best to avoid excessive washing or sanitizing unless it's absolutely necessary.

People who work in the medical field, the body art field, or in kitchens know how much excessive handwashing can influence skin dryness. Harsh cleansers strip moisture from your skin.

See if you can find a safe cleanser that also has moisturizing benefits. Some hand sanitizers are also better for maintaining moisturized skin, so shop around and see what works for you.

When in doubt, moisturize your hands after you wash or sanitize them. 

Bonus tip: This is also true for when you're cleaning your home. When you overdo it, you can end up with dry and scaly skin! Moisturize when you're done with your cleaning spree.


Use a Humidifier

Adding a humidifier to your home is a great way to keep your skin feeling soft and prevent flakiness. This is the perfect solution for anyone who needs to rely on heat during the winter but struggles with the resulting dryness.

Both cool and warm air humidifiers work well for adding moisture to dry rooms. You can use them overnight or keep them nearby when you're working or taking care of your daily tasks.

There are plenty of stylish humidifiers that have colorful lights if you want to match yours to the aesthetic of your home. 


Visit a Dermatologist

If none of these solutions seem to be working, it might be time to visit a dermatologist. It's possible that you need medical-grade skincare or that there's something hiding beneath the surface that's causing your dry skin.

It could be due to your diet, an underlying condition, an allergy, or anything else that can impact your skin barrier. A dermatologist will be able to evaluate your situation and offer solutions that should be more beneficial for you. 


You Can Manage Your Dry Skin 

Preventing and learning how to get rid of dry skin is a trial-and-error process. Different methods work for different people, so try not to feel discouraged if one of these methods doesn't work for you.

Mix and match them until you're able to get rid of your dry, flaky, and scaly skin once and for all. You deserve glowing and radiant skin!

If you're interested in high-end and dermatologist-approved skincare, Theraderm has what you need. Check out our supply of products for extremely dry skin and start your journey toward softer and more moisturized skin today.