A recent survey showed that 3 in 5 Americans said that their skin impacts their confidence. Skin insecurities are very common in women of all ages when it comes to beauty standards.

As a woman, you may feel insecure about your skin as you age. After all, your skin changes, just like the rest of your body changes, over time.

You may have heard about skin renewal and wondered what it meant. Skin regeneration is something that's becoming more well-known in the world of skincare.

Keep reading to find out what skin renewal means and how you can take vantage of it.


What is Skin Renewal?

Skin regeneration is a natural cycle that our skin goes through. This occurs when the skin cells turn over to reveal new skin cells.

This happens as dead skin cells fall away, revealing the fresh ones underneath. How often this happens varies from person to person since no one skin is exactly alike.

For middle-aged women, this process occurs every 28 to 42 days. For those over 50, this can take up to 84 days to happen.

As you can see, this process is significantly impacted by age. That is why your skin may change in appearance as you grow older and go over 50.

This can result in a duller appearance and more skin sagging and lines. This is because your skin is not regenerating itself as often as it used to.

When this happens, you may have to take matters into your own hands. To continue to have youthful skin, you will need to help this natural process with skin care methods.


Who Needs Skin Renewal?

Skin renewal is not something that young women usually have to worry about. When you are a teenager going into your 30s, your skin is still regenerating itself every month.

The dead skin cells are falling away, allowing your skin to stay fresh and youthful. But as women age, they will need to regenerate skin on the face and other areas of their bodies more.

It is important to start doing this as soon as you notice your skin aging. The sooner you begin skin regeneration, the better your results will be.

Women should focus on this in their 40s and early 50s to get the best results. This will encourage skin cell regeneration and avoid permanent skin aging.


How to Encourage Skin Regeneration

Now that you know what skin renewal means, how can you help it along? This is a common question that women have if they have noticed their skin looking different.

The good news is that there are many skin regeneration options available. Some resources can help you to maintain youthful skin no matter how old you are.

It is a good idea to combine skin care practices with skin care treatments. You should have a dermatologist already who can help you to pick the best options for your skin.


Use Exfoliators

The number one way to encourage your skin to renew is by exfoliating. You may think of harsh exfoliators that manually scrub away dead skin cells.

These exfoliators are not necessarily bad, but they are not ideal for your skin. Women in their 40s and 50s and up should rely on different kinds of exfoliators.

The best options available are chemical exfoliators that are gentler on the skin. These chemically exfoliate your skin without you having to scrub at it with rough exfoliators.

These can be used more frequently without irritating your skin as well.


Hydration Products

Part of caring for aging skin is making sure your skin is hydrated. The enemy of your skin is dehydration, since this encourages more signs of aging.

Mature skin also tends to become drier, even if you have never had dry skin. Your skin produces fewer oils and won’t absorb products as well.

You will need to incorporate hydrating products into your skincare routine. You can do this in the form of eye creams, moisturizers, and a facial cleanser.

These are products that you should be using daily to rehydrate your skin and keep it looking fresh.


Chemical Peels

One option that your dermatologist probably offers is chemical peels. Chemical peels are a kind of face mask that encourages the top layer of skin cells to fall away.

This is a great option that you can occasionally use to encourage regeneration.



The process of microneedling uses a tool to create small punctures over the skin. This is done with tiny needles that encourage the skin's natural repair mechanism.

This helps to produce collagen and helps your skin to renew itself. This is a great option that dermatologists offer that you can pair with skin products.


Anti-Aging Skincare

The majority of anti-aging products are formulated for skin renewal. These are deeply hydrating and help to encourage dead skin cells to fall away.

As your skin matures, you should start to use more anti-aging products. It is best to start using these products as soon as possible for the best results.


What is Skin Renewal and How to Achieve it

If you are in your 50s, you may be wondering about skin renewal. This is the natural process that your skin goes through that slows down as you age.

You will need to help with this process to prevent your skin from looking dull and aged. The good news is that there are plenty of products and treatments available to help with this.

Do you want to renew your skin? Contact us today at Theraderm for the best skin renewal products on the market.