When it comes to the physical appearance of our bodies, there are two words we hope and dream we never have to hear -- varicose veins. And with shorts and swimsuit weather on the horizon paired the pressure to have photo-perfect legs, spider and varicose veins can mess up our summer dreams pretty quickly. In fact, they can cause us to basically skip out on summer all together as we avoid the beach, the pool or any social activity that calls for wearing shorts.

Luckily, there are a few tricks to lessen your chances for getting them as well as simple procedures that can treat them if caught early.

9 Things Everyone Should Know About Varicose Veins:

1. They are hereditary.
There are several factors that increase your chance of getting varicose veins, but genetics is number one. More that 80% of people with varicose veins, have a close relative with them too. Thanks, mom!

2. Changes to your lifestyle can lower your risk significantly.
Obviously you won’t be able to change your genetics, but there are a few things that will help you out. Make sure you keep your BMI within a normal range and avoid long periods of standing or sitting. Another simple change is to make sure you avoid clothing that is too tight at the waistline or on your thighs. Restricted circulation is a huge factor in varicose veins. Yes, we just gave you permission to wear yoga pants every day!

3. Men get them too.
While 70 to 80% of those with varicose veins are women, 20 to 30% are men.

4. Exercise is an excellent preventive measure.
As we said in #2, sitting is not good. Getting your body in motion and making your blood pump will help maintain vein health.

5. Varicose veins and spider veins are not the same.
Spider veins are small, thin blue-ish vessels that can be seen under the skin. They are typically harmless but can be a symptom of poor circulation and/or varicose vein formation. Varicose veins on the otherhand, are veins that are stretched out by the pooling of blood causing them to protrude out of the legs. They can be painful and most often occur when the one-way valves don’t work properly.

6. There is more to them than meets the eye.
Meaning, it isn’t simply a cosmetic problem. Varicose veins cause leg fatigue, swelling and discomfort, but most importantly, they can be warning of deeper issues such as deep vein thrombosis, blood clots and overall poor circulation.

7. Crossing your legs does not cause varicose veins.
It’s true. You can believe most things your mom tells you, just not this one. 8. But pregnancy can bring them on. Increased pressure, hormones and weight gain are the perfect storm for the creation of spider or varicose veins.

8. But pregnancy can bring them on.
Increased pressure, hormones and weight gain are the perfect storm for the creation of spider or varicose veins.

9. If you want to reduce the appearance, professional treatment is the only way to go.
Because there is no scarring, no anesthesia, minimal recovery and usually covered by insurance -- why are you waiting to book your appointment?