What Are Peptides?

Peptides are a short chain of amino acids. When more peptides band together, they form "polypeptides," which are most famously called proteins. Proteins are important for many reasons. They serve as fuel to the body and keep cells healthy.

Protein also offers benefits to the skin. If you use skincare products, you likely heard of collagen. Collagen is a type of protein found in the second layer of the dermis that keeps skin strong and maintains its elasticity. It's often found in anti-aging products since it keeps skin firm and smooths out texture problems.

While many anti-aging enthusiasts flock to products with collagen, others are opting for peptide-infused skincare. Peptides enhance collagen from within, encouraging your cells to keep working to produce proteins naturally. This will not only strengthen the skin, but users will experience anti-aging benefits in the long run.


Benefits of Peptides for Anti-Aging

Peptides offer many benefits for the skin. Users of all ages and skin types can use peptide-infused products—not just those with mature skin. Here are some benefits that peptides offer.


Reduce the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Users will find collagen in wrinkle-fighting products, and the same goes for peptides. As stated previously, peptides boost collagen production naturally, making them a vital ingredient in any anti-wrinkle skincare routine.

When peptides encourage cells to form collagen, the proteins will improve the skin's structure and texture. There are also different types of peptides, such as signal peptides, that block the release of muscle-contracting chemicals, avoiding users from developing facial lines.

There are various peptide facials, creams, and peels that are made for fine lines and wrinkles. No matter which type of peptides you use, they will smooth wrinkles gradually. The key is to use them regularly—use peptide creams daily and treatments once a week.


Diminish Other Skin Texture Problems

Fine lines and wrinkles are a type of skin texture problem, but they aren't the only example. Acne scars and large pores are skin texture issues that can affect anyone at any age.

While some of these issues, such as large pores, can be a genetic problem, other texture issues are a sign of skin damage. This is true with acne scars; the inflammation from the breakouts results in trauma to the skin tissue, leaving a scar.

Collagen is the primary protein for skin health, leading to healthier skin. Since peptides boost collagen production, you can notice your texture issues will be less visible over time.



There are a couple of reasons why peptides are great for dry skin types. Since many moisturizers and serums contain peptides, users with dry skin can use these products and achieve long-lasting hydration.

Since collagen supports the skin structure, it will keep the skin hydrated. That said, users with dry skin should still use a peptide moisturizer (and optional serum) twice a day to keep skin hydrated and protected.


Brighten the Complexion

Fine lines and wrinkles aren't the only examples of aging symptoms. Some individuals deal with discoloration issues, mainly age spots, or even dull skin. If this sounds like your skin issues, you can use products with brightening peptides to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation problems, such as age spots.

Skin brightening peptides are different because they target genes that produce melanocytes, a cell that produces melanin. By controlling melanin production, the peptides will reduce the appearance of any dark spots and even skin tone.


How to Use Peptide Products

There are many ways to take peptides to reduce aging symptoms, and using peptides depends on the type of product you use. Users can often find peptides in moisturizers and serums, and they're also available in specialty eye creams.



Moisturizers are necessary for any skincare routine, no matter your skin type or issues. Everyone needs hydrated skin, and using a moisturizer twice a day can keep your skin soft all day and night.

Unlike many anti-aging ingredients, which are best to use at night, you can use a peptide moisturizer at any time of the day. To use a moisturizer, take a little bit of product on the fingertips and apply it over the skin in upward strokes.



Serums contain more active and powerful ingredients. Because of this, it's best to use them at night after moisturizing. Depending on the serum, you may use it in lieu of a moisturizer, though this depends on the manufacturer's recommendations.

Apply a serum the same way you would apply a moisturizer. Take a dime-sized amount of the product and apply it to the face, moving in upward strokes. Avoid the eye and mouth area.


Eye Cream

If you get fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, you'll want to use a cream that targets the sensitive skin around the eyes. Take a pea-sized amount of eye cream on the fingertips and apply it to both the upper and lower lid, making sure to target the outer corner of the eyes.


Are You Looking for Peptides for Anti-Aging?

Peptides are one of the most important skincare ingredients. These are short-chain amino acids that form protein, which supports collagen formation in the skin. Collagen improves skin structure and can target many anti-aging issues, such as fine lines and wrinkles, texture, dryness, and hyperpigmentation.

Are you looking for peptides for anti-aging? We offer a whole anti-aging system, complete with many peptide products. Shop our anti-aging system today!