You have gotta love this time of year, it’s a time of transitions, a time of letting go, a time for new beginnings, a time for decluttering and getting rid of the excess. . .ahhh so freeing and liberating! Getting rid of things that I don’t need anymore makes me feel so good. This need to purge definitely comes on full force this time of year like it is totally instinctual. Does this happen to you? Do you get this urge to purge as Spring approaches?

Have you considered taking this transitional time of year to evaluate your life, your job, commitments, and relationships? How about using Spring Time as a launching pad for reinvigorating our stuck and stale relationships? What about leaving a job that no longer satisfies? Or stepping down from that committee that is sucking your time and energy, but you get very minimal satisfaction from anymore? Or changing up the the dynamics of a friendship or relationship that is no longer fulfilling? Imagine how you will feel when you let go of that one sided friendship that you continue to give to, but never get anything from? These are tough situations to tackle, but I truly think we need to release these burdens in order to function at our optimal level.

In my opinion, these negative relationships/jobs/commitments really weigh us down and hold us back from actualizing what we are truly meant to be. They keep us stuck, stressed, unfulfilled and when we drop this excess baggage, we free ourselves up for new possibilities and wonderful opportunities. So in honor of Spring and new beginnings, I offer you these questions to ponder in order to help you get rid of what is not working and free yourself up to receive new things that can enrich your life:

  • Do you truly feel good when you are at this job, with this friend, in this relationship?
  • When you are doing this job/are with this person, do you get lost and lose track of time or count the minutes until you are done?
  • Does this job/relationship move you to a better place/elevate you in some way or does it bring you down?
  • Do you still use/need that item in your life or is it taking up valuable space and time to get rid of?
  • If you could let go/get rid of anything in your life right now, what would it be and why?

Wishing you a fabulous, fresh, inspired Spring in which you let go of what is holding you back and you soar to amazing new heights!