Skin Care in our 20s

Once we reach our 20s, our facial bone growth has completed and our skin has stretched to accommodate our adult facial structure. From now on, our skin will be subjected to continual pulling caused by facial expressions. Over time, this stretching will lead to sagging skin. Our skin also becomes more responsive to hormonal fluctuations during this time. These responses lead to dryer skin that begins to show pigment irregularities due to the decreased rate of cell turnover.

 Along with a progression toward skin laxity and dryness, there is also the continued risk of sun damage during this decade. In our 20s, our skin has already been exposed to 80% of the sun rays that will show up as wrinkles and other signs of aging in later years. Though this may sound scary, it is never too late to protect our skin from future damage. 

 The very best thing you can do for your skin in this decade is to establish a daily skin care routine that addresses all of your needs. While one product is easier to apply than four, using only one product cannot supply everything your skin needs. Instead, start a simple routine that gently but thoroughly cleans skin, stimulates cell turnover, provides antioxidants and restores the natural moisture level. All of these critical steps working together can delay, or even reverse, the damage your skin has received.

 The Theraderm Skin Renewal System was developed to do exactly these things and is made of ingredients that maximize each effect. For more information about the Skin Renewal System, and other Theraderm products, please visit