Rosacea and Theraderm

What is Rosacea? The medical term for rosacea is actually acne rosacea. This skin condition gives your facial skin a redness that’s most apparent in the cheek area. The level of redness in the skin can vary from mild to severe. The redness is because of tiny dilated blood vessels. Rosacea is rarely cured but can be successfully controlled and contained in most cases. In severe cases, people can develop a condition called rhinophyma, which is the distortion or disfiguration of the nose’s skin.

Some ways you may be able to know if you have rosacea is if you have a persistent reddish color. This redness of the skin can become more apparent with sun exposure, drinking hot liquids and eating hot, spicy foods. As mentioned before, the redness is most prominent in the cheek area.

Avoiding alcoholic beverages and hot, spicy foods are ways to help dissipate signs of Rosacea. Using sunscreen daily helps protect your skin from sun exposure and lessen the appearance of redness. Maintaining a regular skin system keeps your skin looking and feeling healthy.

Aside from the use of antibiotics and medication in severe cases, Theraderm Skin Renewal System products can be used to help control most cases of Rosacea. If acne breakouts occur with Rosacea then the Reversion Clear Skin System works extremely well for controlling all the factors. Users of either system with Rosacea have reported that the Theraderm OPC Reparative Serum diminishes the redness or even causes it to disappear in less than a week.