Spring is just around the corner! Or so they say. I haven’t seen any signs of it here in the Northeast but I know it’s coming. Punxsutawney Phil says so.

Here are a few tips for getting your skin ready for spring!

1. Break out the self tanner!

Give yourself a head start on summer color with a self tanning lotion. Just remember to exfoliate first.

2. Lighten up your makeup.

Pastels are on trend this season so head on over to your favorite makeup counter and have the staff advise you on a new spring look. Beware of getting in a rut with your makeup. Nothing will age a woman faster than a dated makeup look.

3. Schedule a facial.

Even those of us who are diligent about keeping a consistent skincare program can benefit from a professional facial every so often. I try to go a couple of times a year, especially at the change of the season.

4. Exfoliate regularly.

If you’ve been lax with your exfoliation, now is the time to get back on track. Our Theraderm NuPeel® Natural Enzyme Peel is the perfect product for exfoliation because it relies upon natural enzymes instead of abrasives to gently exfoliate dead skin cells, evening the skin tone and accelerating skin cell turnover.

5. Reconsider your moisturizer.

Likely you’ve been using a heavier moisturizer during the dry winter months, but with spring approaching, it may be too rich. It’s always a good idea to reassess your skincare regimen with the change of the seasons. Stay tuned for a post about How to Choose the Correct Facial Moisturizer.