A little old lady wakes one morning to find only 3 hairs left on her head, “Hmmm, I think I shall braid my hair today!”  The very next morning she rises to find just 2 hairs left, “Well, I think I will put my hair in a ponytail today!”  On the 3rd day she wakes to find all of her hair gone and to this she says, “GREAT! I don’t have to fix my hair today!”

While I have never seen this woman – I would imagine she exudes beauty!   Her perception of aging is perfect!  Oh how I wish I could be like her!    I would love to be able to look in the mirror at the laugh lines around my eyes and instead of saying, “I am getting old!” I could say, “Wow, I have been happy and laughed a lot!”  Instead of plucking out gray hairs in disgust, I would be thankful for the wisdom they bring.  Aging gracefully is tough in this day and age of photoshopping and airbrushing.  Hollywood has sold us an image that is completely unattainable by the average human being!  While the fountain of youth seems to flow freely in Tinseltown – there are a FEW who have refused to jump on the bandwagon and are embracing their age and the lines and wrinkles that comes with it!  Helen Mirren pops into my mind almost immediately!    In an industry full of youth and vanity – Helen has embraced her age and it shows!!  The bombshell is 65 years old and the paparazzi calls her HOT!  Amazing!  While it is very obvious she takes very good care of herself – she is not clamouring for next anti-aging fad or plastic surgery to “preserve” her youthful appearance.  She has a presence like no other and I am convinced it is the fact she is happy with herself and refuses to see a glass half empty – but instead focuses on what remains in that glass!

I challenge you to check your vision today – do you see the glass half empty or half full?