What Causes a Saggy Neck 

Having a turkey neck is a common insecurity for people as they get older. Before learning about how to fix this problem, it’s important to know why a neck sags in the first place. There are four major reasons why a neck gets saggy as you get older. 


Skin Elasticity 

When you’re young, your skin has lots of elastin and collagen in it. The more of these two proteins you have, the stretchier your skin is. It bounces back with ease when you use your facial muscles. 

As you get older, your skin collagen weakens. As it stretches out, it has a harder time going back to its original position. 


Neck Muscle Weakness 

Your neck has muscles in it to support the head on your shoulders. Like with other muscles in your body, the neck muscles get less effective over time. A weaker muscle has a harder time pulling the neck skin back to its taut position. 


Neck Fat 

Fat is another factor that can affect neck skin. If there is too much fat on your face, your neck skin can get overstretched and loose. Losing too much weight over time can also give your neck a looser appearance. 



Genetics plays a big role in how much of a turkey neck you may get. If you’re genetically disposed to having more fat in your neck and chin area, you may have a looser neck as you age. 


How to Fix a Saggy Neck 

If you’re struggling with loose neck skin, there are many avenues you can take to help. From exercises to procedures, there is something for everyone. 



One of the first things you can do when you notice a saggy neck is to start using retinol. Retinoic acid increases your skin’s cell turnover speed up. It also helps with your skin’s collagen production. 

You can find different formulas of neck retinol to best suit your skin. Try to choose a cream that is moisturizing and has peptides in it, like Flawless Neck Creme from Theraderm. These qualities will hydrate skin and fight the droopiness. 



Micro-needling is another treatment you can try to tighten your neck skin. During this treatment, a dermatologist rolls tiny needles over the skin of your neck. 

These tiny needles create minor skin injuries. When the skin goes to repair itself, it releases more collagen into the area. 

This treatment is fast and effective. It’s also great for uneven skin and dark spots. 

Make sure to use a neck serum or cream after you’ve had the treatment. As a bonus, these products will absorb better into your skin after the procedure. 



Another saggy neck treatment you can try is Kybella injections. The formula used in Kybella was created specifically to reduce sagging neck fat. 

The key ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid. This acid speeds up the breakdown of fat cells to reduce the turkey neck look. 



You can also give CoolSculpting a try. This non-invasive technology uses a machine to freeze the fat in your neck. This procedure is quick and effective with little downtime. 


Exercises for a Saggy Neck 

If you want to try a more natural saggy neck solution, there are exercises you can add to your daily routine. Saggy neck exercises are fast and simple to master and offer great results. 

When you exercise your neck muscles, they get stronger. Stronger muscles also grow in size. The bigger your muscles are, the more space your skin has to stretch over them. 

If you are using neck exercises to tighten saggy neck skin, make sure to do them every day. You’ll see more results the more often you do your neck exercises. 

Having a sturdy neck from your neck workouts has other benefits, too! Saggy neck exercises keep your spine strong and can help with your mobility as you get older. Neck exercises also increase blood circulation throughout your body. 


Other Helpful Tips 

Treatment and exercise are not the only helpful things you can do to target saggy neck skin. There are some routines you can get into the habit of targeting your turkey neck. 


Sun Protection 

Sunscreen is crucial to keep your neck skin firm. Your neck and face are two of your body parts exposed to the most sun. If they get too much sun damage, they can age at a rapid pace. 

Sun damage is even more common in people who use retinol. If you are using one of these powerful solutions on your skin, pair it with a mineral sunscreen. 


Product Application 

The way you apply your skin care products can help tighten your neck skin. Strengthen your neck muscles by applying your serums and lotions in an upward motion. Use gentle but firm upward pressure to slow aging down. 


Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker, it's time to throw the cigarettes away. Smoking reduces the elasticity of the skin. This can make your neck skin sag prematurely. 


You Don’t Have to Settle for a Sagging Neck

A saggy neck can make you feel self-conscious and look older than you are. Thankfully, there are procedures, products, and exercises that can make a big difference. 

No matter which solution you choose, you can increase your results with the right skin care product. If you’re looking for high-quality products for your saggy neck, Theraderm is for you. Check out our selection to find the perfect anti-aging product for you today!