Bags Under the Eyes: the Causes

The first time you notice bags under your eyes, they probably appear as puffiness after a poor night's sleep.

Common telltale signs include discolored, puffed, or swollen skin between the eye and cheekbones. As we age, the tissue and muscle around our eyes weaken. It starts to cause the skin to sag.

When that happens, you can get a build-up of fluid and fat in this area. The result is that puffed under-eye look that we often refer to as bags. Genetics play a role too. If your parents had noticeable bags, there's a chance you'll get them too.

Some people are more likely to get bags under their eyes if they suffer from allergies like hay fever. Sinus infections often cause the same problem.

Both of these increase the fluid in that area. It's why many hayfever sufferers often have puffy and baggy eyes during high allergy season.


Lifestyle Changes to Prevent or Reduce Bags

The positive news to share is that you can change the appearance of bags with a few simple lifestyle changes. Here are some top tips. 


Daily Habits

Getting lots of quality sleep is one of the best habits to reduce the appearance of bags. Sleep deprivation increases fluid under the eyes. Aim to get around seven or eight hours of quality rest each night.

A good tip is to try a sleep app to help monitor your sleep quality. And if you have difficulty drifting off to sleep, try a pillow spray or some white noise.

Elevate your head when sleeping with an extra pillow to prevent fluid pooling around the eye. Reducing stress is another way to improve your eye appearance, as stress hormones can increase swelling.

Finally, remember to remove makeup before going to bed. It will reduce irritation to the skin around the eyes.



Sticking to a nutritious and balanced diet will also improve your under-eye appearance. You need a diet that offers plenty of vitamins and minerals.

For example, vitamin K in broccoli and leafy vegetables strengthens your blood vessels. That can help reduce puffiness or dark circles.

You should also eat plenty of foods high in antioxidants and Omega-3. That includes foods like salmon and blueberries. These foods have protective qualities that can help rejuvenate the skin.

Remember to stay well hydrated for an improved eye appearance. You should aim to drink around eight glasses of water daily. Limit alcohol and avoid drinking too much caffeine.


Sun Protection

Protecting the skin from sun damage is one of the best ways to slow the signs of aging. And that includes under-eye bags. UV rays can lead to hyperpigmentation, darkening the area under the eye.

Choose a high SPF of 30 or more for your face, and wear sunglasses. It's also worth buying a wide-brimmed hat to give you added protection.


Effective Skincare Routines to Reduce or Eliminate Bags

You should introduce a targeted skincare routine to help improve your eye appearance. Start with a gentle facial cleanser and ensure you clean all makeup and dirt before bed. After, use a toner to balance the skin's PH level.

For targeted support, choose a specialized eye cream or serum. Look for ones with active ingredients to stimulate collagen production. You want to find products with retinol, vitamin C, or hyaluronic acid.

These products will help brighten the area under the eye. They also plump the skin, reducing sagging and helping your eyes look younger.

The thin skin around your eyes is extremely delicate, so use your ring finger to add products and don't apply too much pressure. Start from the inner corner, and work out. Use a gentle tapping motion, as this will also help stimulate the circulation.

You should also try a facial roller or massage to stimulate blood flow further. Adding this extra step to your daily routine will help reduce puffiness. Regular facials using these techniques will also help you achieve a youthful look.


Cosmetic Treatment to Deal With Bags Under the Eyes

Perhaps you have made lifestyle changes. And maybe you have an excellent skincare routine. But you still find yourself with severe under-eye bags. In that case, it's best to consider opting for more professional and advanced treatments.

Laser surfacing is one such treatment. Here, a dermatologist will stimulate collagen production. It will tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of under-eye bags. This treatment also improves the skin's texture, reducing dark circles and wrinkles.

Another option is dermal fillers. These injectables use products like hyaluronic acid to add volume and smooth the skin. It's a minimally invasive way to reduce under-eye bags.

Our final recommendation is something called blepharoplastic. This is where a surgeon removes or repositions excess fat and skin. It's a longer-term solution with the most dramatic results.

Always consult with a professional before undergoing any long-term cosmetic treatment. You should always understand the potential benefits and risks before deciding. 


Wrapping Up: Getting Rid of Bags Under the Eyes

Under-eye bags might be an unwelcome sign of aging. But the good news is that there are many choices for getting rid of bags under the eyes. Always start with the easiest steps - lifestyle changes and a great skincare routine.

Remember, consistency is vital to making that change. If you make great skincare a part of your daily life, you'll soon see the results.

For the most effective transformation, why not try our complete anti-aging system? It has everything you need to get that radiant, smooth skin.