One of the benefits (insert sarcasm) of getting older is my new-found ability to recognize previously unseen flaws.  And since I’m in front of the mirror to wash my face a few times a day, as well as apply make-up and moisturizer – I think I’m becoming a bit of an expert on them.

Take for example – pore size.  I can honestly say I had never noticed the size of my pores until recently. And now that I have?  Terrible. So I set about to research ways to shrink the little devils – here are some suggestions I found to be useful.

How to shrink your pores

  • Wash your face.  Sounds elementary, I know – but consider how many times you’ve gone to sleep with make up on….  Just. Don’t. Do. It.  Your face needs to be cleaned with a mild cleanser – one appropriate for your skin – at least twice a day. And really?  Don’t go to sleep with make up on.
  • Exfoliate.  This gets rid of the dead skin that is sapping your skin of brightness and tone.  Do it a few times a week. You can also use a Natural Enzyme Peel (shameless plug!) but so effective.
  • Before you apply makeup (and for a temporary fix)- splash your face with cold water – OR – use an ice cube on your skin.  The cold will naturally help the pores to tighten and therefore, shrink.
  • At bedtime, coat face in creams that have alpha-hydroxy or retinol.  These will help bring your face back to life.
  • Use SPF, don’t forget to moisturize, stick to a healthy diet.  You laugh, I know….. but the small, common sense items are the one that can have the greatest effect.

And now you know….

Do you have any pore-shrinking tips?  Be sure toe share them here.