Even though I live in the moderate temperature of sunny California, I still battle with annoying dry parched persnickety skin during the winter months. You know what I mean, sometimes it’s moist and happy and other times it’s flaky, red, itchy and can’t make up its mind about what type of skin it wants to be when it grows up. It’s confused, it’s irritable and it doesn’t behave like its normal balanced self. Well, since I pride myself on having the inside track on beauty knowledge and products, I have gathered some tips and tricks over the years that help me cope with my whiny winter skin. So I thought it might be nice to share these little tips and tricks with you:

  • Drink lots of water! At least 6-8 glasses a day. Sounds so simple, but it is hard to do when we are running around. Try carrying around one of those tres chic recyclable water bottles, you’ll look fab while drinking up.
  • Avoid really hot baths and showers because the intense heat breaks down the barriers of your skin, which can then lead to a loss of moisture. Use warm water instead and stay in the water for less time.
  • Apply moisturizer to your face and body immediately after you get out of the bath or shower. Skin is supple and pores are open, so it can easily drink it in.
  • Try to take fish oil capsules everyday-they lubricate your skin and hair and make them shiny and fabulous.
  • Layer products on your face: try a serum first (love serums with hyaluronic acid which helps to plump up the skin) and follow with a moisturizer and then sunblock. The more layers, the more protection.
  • Gently exfoliate your skin between 2-4 times a week to get rid of flakes and dry skin.
  • Keep a little tube of Aquaphor in your purse for those times when your skin is totally dry and uncooperative. This has been my little secret weapon for years and I use it on dry skin, hands and feet, cuticles, my lips and boo-boos. It works wonders!