I used to have nearly perfect posture, but the combination of age and having children (pregnancy and carrying small people around on my hip) did a number on my natural ability to stand up straight.  So, now, I have to put some work in to it.  I will say it is completely worth it.

Posture is the little thing that makes a huge difference. When you stand up straight, you radiate confidence and that alone can make you feel stronger and more positive.

Here are 5 Easy Steps to Improve Your Posture

Keep your ears, shoulders and hips in alignment. Focusing on keeping the three in a straight line will allow you to focus on your posture in a positive way.  And being aware of your posture is half of the battle.

Don’t wear high heels. For men, this isn’t a big deal, but for women it can be more of a challenge. As hard as this is, keep it in mind.  Wearing heels can throw off your body’s center of gravity, making good posture more difficult to achieve.

When bending over to pick something up, bend at the knees don’t fold at the waist. As you are bending and lifting, work to keep your spine straight.  This keeps you from putting undo pressure on your back and spine.

When sitting , keep soles of your feet on the floor.  This actually forces you to sit up straight and focus on your posture  even when you weren’t planning on it.

Move! Get up and move around.  The more you sit, the more likely you are to slouch.  As your muscles get used to being in one position, they can lazy and collapse on themselves.  Challenge them to stand up straight.

It all sounds simple, right?

Having good posture is something I used to take for granted and now it is something I miss.  It takes a conscious effort for me to pull my shoulders back and keep things in line. But I find a smile on my face and an extra vote of confidence in my mind each time I do.