Did you know that Nevada and Utah have some of the driest weather? In the summer, California and Oregon aren't far behind! While the lack of humidity might sound nice to some, it can cause severe dry skin. 

Whether you live in a dry climate or not, finding the right moisturizer for dry skin can make a difference in your facial texture and appearance. Smoothing out dry patches can also help you look and feel younger!

Luckily, we have put together a complete guide on the top ingredients and products to look for in your next moisturizer for dry skin, so keep reading for more information!


What Causes Dry Skin?

Sometimes, it seems that you constantly have dry and flaky skin, no matter what you do. Lathering up on the moisturizer either makes everything feel oily or leaves you with worse results than when you started. 

The causes of dry skin are not as easy as one might suspect. For starters, some people are just more prone to it. Other dry skin causes include:

  • Colder weather
  • Dry air
  • Over-washing your face
  • Skin conditions (e.g., psoriasis, atopic dermatitis)
  • Diabetes
  • Sunlight
  • Fragrances
  • Age

When your body doesn't produce enough sebum (a natural oil), it can result in dehydration, skin flakes, and dry patches. Too much sebum results in oily skin or pimples. 


Managing Dry Skin

There are six steps you can take to start managing your dry facial skin. Arguably, the three most important steps are:

  • Finding the best moisturizer for dry skin
  • Using a gentle cleanser
  • Using SPF

Experts suggest that the best moisturizer is one that you can use daily without adverse skin reactions. Gentle moisturizers will have ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or aloe vera.

Avoid moisturizers that have artificial fragrances, alcohol, or dioxane. These ingredients will dry your skin more. 

Gentle cleansers help keep your skin's pH balance in check. Again - look for ones that can be used daily and don't have added ingredients that contain alcohol or artificial coloring. Other skincare regimens that can help are:

  • Exfoliators
  • Avoid using hot water
  • Medication

Some acne medication can dry your skin out instead, so ask your dermatologist beforehand about the best medication for your skin type. Try using cool or warm water instead of scalding hot, which can cause more harm than good! 

Lastly, exfoliators should be used sparingly. They can help remove dead skin cells and improve skin tone and appearance. 


Moisturizer for Dry Skin

Have you wondered how to choose a moisturizer for dry skin? For starters, the importance of moisturizer for dry skin is to lock in hydration. That means you must properly hydrate and avoid drying out your skin through excessive UV ray exposure or harsh soaps.

Next, to find the best moisturizer for your dry skin, you want something that includes lanolin. Lanolin is a premium-grade moisturizer that helps seal hydration and prevents future dry skin problems.  

It is safe enough for daily (or twice daily) use and can help replenish suppleness and improve the appearance of aged skin. Lanolin-based products such as the Enriched Facial Moisturizer by Theraderm penetrate deeper skin layers for a more sustainable moisturizer that will last all day long. 

The Peptide Hydrator is another excellent option for moisturizing dry skin. This skin hydrator is also used for combination skin types and anti-aging skincare regimens. It includes hyaluronic acid - one of the best ingredients noted for dry skin - and does not contain added fragrances. 

Like the Enriched Facial Moisturizer, you will want to apply this up to twice daily. Some of the benefits of hyaluronic acid-based moisturizers are:

  • Restoring damaged skin cells
  • Increasing facial moisture retention
  • Avoids clogged pores
  • Lightweight
  • Easily absorbable

Combined with gentle cleansers and enzyme peels, you can immediately notice smoother skin!


How Does Lanolin Help Dry Skin?

You have likely heard of the benefits of hyaluronic acid, and it shouldn't come as a surprise that it is one of the key ingredients in moisturizers. But how does lanolin help dry skin?

Lanolin is an emollient that helps seal moisture. Ultimately, it works from a bottom-up approach. You will avoid excessive dryness from cold weather, dry air, or other environmental factors by sealing in moisture. 

It is also safe to use with other ingredients, making it an ideal choice for a daily moisturizer. Other lanolin benefits are:

  • Dry patch relief
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

You can also find lanolin in lip balms, and it makes a great product for dry or chapped lips. 


Don't Forget Sunscreen

As with any moisturizer, it is important to combine it with SPF. These products can help you avoid the damages caused by UV rays, one of which is dry skin! UV rays can also speed up the aging process and put you at a higher risk for skin cancer. 

Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen by Theraderm is a lightweight and non-greasy option for facial protection. It quickly absorbs into your skin's layers and is a great option for those with sensitive skin. Combining lanolin and SPF products are two simple ways to stay on top of your dry skin.  


Stay On Top of Your Dry Skin

Have you wondered about what moisturizer for dry skin you should purchase? As you age, you may notice dry, flaky, or scaly patches on your skin. It is common for you to lose moisture as the years tick by, but it doesn't have to be permanent.

At Theraderm, we offer all-natural products that effectively seal moisture and prevent dry skin. Choosing products with fewer ingredients means you get better quality through effective ingredients such as lanolin and hyaluronic acid. 

Are you ready to get started? Shop our complete line of dry skin products today!