48% of people are spending more money on skincare than they used to. A lot of that is because people want to ensure that they have healthy and glowing skin.

However, spending more money on products is not always the best solution. The best moisturizer doesn't have to be the most expensive!

And, there are more ways to hydrate your skin and keep it hydrated than just facial moisturizer!

Ready to learn how to spend less and get the hydrated skin you want? Keep reading these tips to learn how!


Use a Humidifier

What do you think about properly moisturizing your face, you probably immediately think of a facial moisturizer. However, there are so many different ways that you can moisturize your face. One of those ways to use a humidifier in your home. 

This is especially beneficial if you live in a dry environment or have a heat on during the winter months. If there is low humidity in the air, your skin is often going to get dry. 

To fix the humidity problem, you can simply purchase a portable humidifier to keep the air more humid and your skin more hydrated!


Drink Plenty of Water

About 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. With this statistic, every 3 out of 4 people who reads this article is dehydrated!

To keep your face more moisturized, drinking more water every single day is one of the best skin care tips that you can keep in mind. Your skin is the biggest organ in your body, so hydrating it and treating it as the most important is essential. 

Realistically, you should try to get anywhere from half a gallon to a gallon of water per day.


Use Lotion and Ointments 

If you want to keep your face more hydrated, you should be using moisturizing creams or ointments. You want to make sure that you are using facial moisturizer that contains lipids, ceramides, and hyaluronic acid. These ingredients help to reinforce the skins protective barrier. 

This means that it will stay healthier and more youthful for a longer amount of time.

There are also so many different types of lotions and ointments that you can use. Choosing which one is best for you depends on your skin type.

For instance, if you have oily skin, it is best to use an oil-free moisturizer. You do not want to continue more oil on your face as this can cause its own issues. However, an oil-free moisturizer is a great way to provide the right amount of moisture to your face to keep it hydrated without going overboard!


Use Them At the Right Time

You should be moisturizing day and night to ensure that your skin is fully hydrated. However, one of the best times to use moisturizers is right after a shower. When you apply the lotion while your skin is still damp, it can impact the hydrating effect.

However, keep in mind that you should not be showering in extra hot water for too long. Hot water can actually encourage hydration to leave your skin.


Add a Serum to Your Skincare Routine

After you moisturize, you can continue to hydrate your skin by using a moisturizing serum. Serums actually helped to emulate the benefits of natural oils already found in your skin and provide more antioxidants. These are helpful whether you have oily, dry, or combination skin.

However, if you have especially dry skin, you'll benefit more from using serums.


Exfoliate a Few Times Per Week 

When you think of exfoliating your face, you may think that this is actually doing the opposite of hydrating. However, exfoliating will remove dead skin cells off the surface of your skin.

These dead skin cells can cause a build-up that clogs your skin's pores. When this happens, your skin is not actually receiving the benefits of anything that you put on it topically. It can also lead to more breakouts.

So, when you exfoliate, you are allowing your skin to start accepting the benefits of topical moisturizers and serums. 

However, you don't want to over-exfoliate. You should only use exfoliating creams or scrubs two to three times per week. If you start to overdo it, you'll actually be removing the natural skin barrier, drying your skin out even more.


Use Sunscreen 

Every single morning, you should always put on sunscreen. This is helpful to prevent skin cancer as well as aging. Not only that, but direct sunlight will dehydrate your skin right away. 

Using sunscreen will provide a barrier that keeps your skin hydrated even if you're spending some time in the sun.

You can either use a separate sunscreen or choose to use a moisturizer with sunscreen in it. There really is no difference, it is simply a matter of preference for which you choose.


Use Facial Moisturizer and More to Hydrate Your Skin

There are so many different ways to hydrate your skin. From using the right facial moisturizer, applying sunscreen, and exfoliating a few times per week, you can ensure that you have hydrated skin at all times.

If you are someone who struggles with really dry skin, you may not be using the right products! There is no cause for panic, though! We have some of the best products available at Thermaderm Clinical Skin Care.

You can check out our products for extremely dry skin so that you, too, can enjoy the benefits of having hydrated skin!