It’s time to take a new approach to skin care.Start a detox program!  I’m not suggesting you go extreme by participating in a month long detox program or fast for weeks on end.  What I’m suggesting are simple steps you can take throughout your week to improve your skin’s overall health.

Did you know that second to the bowel, the skin eliminates more waste than any other organ?  In her book, “Detox and Revitalize” Susana Belen shares, “Because a sedentary lifestyle is so common today, most people lose the tremendous benefit of the large volume of waste that  could be eliminated through the skin.  When the skin fails to handle its own workload, the burden must be shared by the other organs of elimination.”  How about giving your skin a break and adding some detox methods to your weekly routine?

Top 8 Ways to Detox Your Skin:

  1. Dry Skin Brushing- Dry skin brushing helps shed dead skin cells, which can help improve skin texture and cell renewal. There are many other benefits as well! Read them here: The Dry Brushing Technique
  2. Glow Showers- Give yourself a rub down with an exfoliating mitt or a body scrub at least once a week
  3. Detoxifying Bath-  Using a detox bath formula draws toxins out of the body.  They often include natural mineral salts, bentonite clay and powdered herbs.  Soak for 20-30 minutes, then finish with a warm glow shower.  Perform weekly.
  4. Weekly Detox Day- Susana recommends doing a detox day weekly.  The night before you detox, eat an all veggie salad (as big as you want) for dinner.  The entire next day, drink lemon water (hot or cold), herbal teas and special detox teas.  End the day with another all veggie salad.  This is an easy routine to get yourself into and can be accomplished even when you are traveling!  This 24 hour fast is beneficial in aiding digestion and allowing your body to rejuvenate.
  5. Get a Colon Cleanse- This is the most extreme action I will recommend but here is why I suggest it: Susana notes that, “accumulated wastes throughout your entire system are the source of every disease. Lowered vitality, imperfect health, lack of strength and endurance, and any other imbalances- all have their source in an unclean colon, especially a colon that has been inadequately cleaned since birth.”  A few minutes of personal (psychological) discomfort may just be worth preventing a long term illness!
  6. Exercise- As noted in the beginning of the post, sedentary lifestyle doesn’t aid in releasing toxins.  Get moving and help your skin eliminate the body’s waste!
  7. Eat Fresh- Make your own sauces, buy organic, eat fresh.  Avoid smoking, drinking and drugs.  Your body will have less toxins to eliminate if you are putting less toxins in!
  8. Meditate- Practice yoga, find some quiet time to pray, practice daily meditation to release the stress in your life and clear your mind.  No chanting required!

Begin adding these detox practices into your life and not only will your body be healthier (and look leaner too!), your skin will look positively fabulous and glowing!

Sound Off: Have you detoxed before?  Tell us about the ways you’ve help your skin detox!