With fall rapidly approaching here in the Northeast, I am already changing up my beauty routine to accomodate the cooler, dryer temperatures. In the summertime I tend to get lax about exfoliating and hydrating, but with Old Man Winter breathing down my neck, I am taking care to keep my skin in tip-top shape. Here are some tried and true beauty tips to keep your skin moist and glowing all winter long!

1. Don’t forget to exfoliate. Use your favorite exfoliant, or try out Therapon’s Nupeel, a product designed to stimulate exfoliation of dead skin cells and accelerate skin cell turnover. NuPeel relies on natural enzymes rather than harsh abrasives to gently loosen dead skin cells and even out your skin tone.

2. Use a mask weekly to nourish and moisturize. Try a pumpkin mask with 2 tablespoons cooked pumpkin and 1 tablespoon honey. Apply it all over your face and leave for about 10-15 minutes before washing off.

3. Start lotioning your hands after every washing, and be sure to wear gloves when you do dishes. During the summer months, you can neglect your hands without much ill effect, but you must be vigilant during the cooler months to keep your hands supple and soft. I like to rub coconut oil into my cuticles too.

4. Eat lots of root veggies such as pumpkin, butternut squash and sweet potatoes. They are rich in vitamins A and C and potassium. Also, Swiss Chard is delicious and full of folic acid and iron. Sautee it in olive oil and garlic for a yummy side to any meal.

5. Don’t forget to condition your scalp. The skin on your head is just as susceptible to winter’s harsh temperatures and often gets flaky and itchy in the wintertime. YUCK! Massage your favorite deep conditioner into your scalp every other time you wash your hair, and let it set for 5 minutes while you shave or finish your shower. Then rinse well and style as usual.