As I’m approaching the big 4-0, and my skin is beginning to exhibit the tolls of gravity, I think a lot about how I’m going to age.

I used to think that I’d let my hair go gray naturally, but it didn’t take me long to change that tune when those errant white hairs began to spring up in my dark tresses. Now I faithfully color my hair every six to eight weeks.

I’ve always taken good care of my skin, but at some point, it begins to feel like an uphill battle.  I find myself doing more treatments and getting regular facials to try to maintain some semblance of youthfulness.

Everyone handles aging differently. I’ve been looking around, and this is what I’ve noticed.

Some seem to give up.

Others try too hard to maintain a youthful appearance.

Then there’s the group that manages to maintain their sense of style while still looking age appropriate.

I don’t know about you, but THAT is the group I want to belong to.

From talking to other women, it seems that around about the turn of each decade, it is time to reassess and update your look.  I am definitely feeling the nudge as 4-0 looms in my future, getting closer with every tick of the clock.

After looking around and reading a few helpful articles, I’ve made a few changes.

For one thing, I started softening up my makeup.

Harsh makeup can age you.  This works great when you’re 20 and trying to get into a bar, not that I ever did that…


But when you’re pushing 40 and 50 and up, softening your makeup can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and helps give a more youthful appearance.  I read somewhere that pink tones are always youthful so instead of wearing bold lipstick shades, I’ve gone to a softer pink.

With my hair, I’ve gone shorter.

This is more from necessity than from preference.  I actually think that letting your hair grow out some helps you look more youthful as you age, as long as it’s a stylish cut.  (Long unkempt hair is always a bad fashion statement.)

But my hair is thinning terribly so I’ve tried to make the most of it with a shorter, sassy haircut.  I got tons of compliments on it at Blissdom, so it must be working.

Take extra good care of your skin.

I heard a statistic once (don’t you love how I’m throwing out all of these random claims with no source to back me up? I’m scientifically minded like that) that every night you go to bed without taking your makeup off ages you like 7 years or something.  Or is it 7 days or months?  Does anyone know?

Suffice it to say, it is not a good idea.  I’m religious about taking off my makeup and doing my whole skincare routine every night.  I hope it will serve me well as I continue to age.


Sorry ladies, the mini skirts have to go bye-bye after 35.  Stacy and Clinton say so, and I always listen to Stacy and Clinton.

What about you? What are you doing to age gracefully?