Getting rid of acne is an uphill battle, but trying to get rid of acne scars can feel like a war. Many people are left with acne scars that stick around much longer than any bump. When this happens, your body and face can be left with dark spots or dimples that ruin your complexion.

Acne scars can be difficult to get rid of, and many people feel self-conscious about having them. But you don't have to live with them forever or wait for them to fade. Acne scar treatments can help eliminate these marks and make your complexion even again.

But how do you find an acne scar treatment that works? Here are the proven methods and the ones you should avoid.


First, What Is an Acne Scar?

Acne scars are left on the skin due to inflammation of an acne blemish. When acne occurs, pores can swell, which leads to the breakdown of the pore wall. Collagen the skin creates helps heal the tissue, but too much collagen can result in a raised scar.

Small acne blemishes are shallow and can heal quickly. But when the acne is larger, it can affect the surrounding tissue, causing deeper scars. The deeper scars can be hard to heal on their own, often requiring some kind of treatment.


Types of Acne Scars

There are different types of acne scars. Many people have a combination rather than just one type of scarring. The kind of acne scar left behind is due to the kind of acne you have. Treatments for each of these acne scars vary.


Rolling Scars

Rolling scars are indents with sloping edges. These scars give the skin an uneven and wavy appearance. Severe cystic acne that causes deep wounds leads to this type of scarring. Rolling scars appear where the skin is thicker, like on the lower cheeks and jawline.


Ice Pick Scars

Ice pick scars have a wide hole on the surface of the skin and narrow to a smaller point deeper in the skin. Severe cysts and papules deep in the pores cause ice pick scars.

These scars are found in areas where the skin is thinner, like on the forehead and cheeks. Because of their shape, ice pick scars are challenging to heal.


Boxcar Scars

These indents have sharper edges that go deep into the skin. This is due to the skin not producing enough collagen during the healing process. Boxcar scars often come from cystic and nodule acne. They're also common on the cheeks and jaw.



Often called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, this occurs after acne has healed but leaves behind a dark mark in its place. This is due to the overproduction of melanin after inflammation in response to the damage.

People of color are more likely to have post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation because the skin is already producing more melanin.


What Works to Get Rid of Acne Scars?

When acne leaves behind some kind of scarring, your first thought is probably about what you can do to get rid of the marks. There are a few options when looking at a treatment for acne scars. Some treatments work better with certain scars than others.



Microneedling uses very fine needles to prick the skin and break down the scar tissue, promoting new collagen growth. This is a non-invasive treatment with permanent results. The goal is to fill in scars over time. Microneedling works best with boxcar, ice pick, and rolling scars, as well as hyperpigmentation.



Rentinols come in a cream or gel and can be applied at home. This ingredient is common in skin care and promotes cell turnover, sheds dead skin cells, and encourages collagen growth. There are over-the-counter and prescription options. Retinol works best for hyperpigmentation.


AHA and Glycolic Acid

AHAs promote skin rejuvenation and exfoliation. Glycolic acid is a common kind of AHA found in skincare products. The chemical exfoliation is a good at-home acne scars treatment that helps fade acne scars and hyperpigmentation.


Chemical Peels

Chemical peels have acids in high concentrations. This treatment dissolves the upper layers of the skin. Deep chemical peels should be done by professionals to avoid leading to more acne scarring. Chemical peels can help treat ice pick and boxcar scars.


Vitamin C and E

Vitamin C is best known for wound healing, encouraging collagen, and brightening skin. Use it daily to help with hyperpigmentation as well as rolling and boxcar scars. Vitamin E also helps with hyperpigmentation and works best when combined with Vitamin C.


Laser Treatments

Deeper scars may require seeing a professional for an acne scar laser treatment. This gets rid of acne by using pulses of light that damage the top layer of skin to encourage the production of new tissue. Laser treatments can show results for ice pick, boxcar, and rolling scars.


What Doesn't Work to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Acne scars can be annoying, but it's important to use the right kind of treatment or risk the scars getting worse. Here's what doesn't help get rid of acne scars.


Over Exfoliating

It's true exfoliating can get rid of scars, but too much can irritate your skin, in turn making scars worse. Hard exfoliation can also open acne and spread bacteria to other parts of the face leading to more bumps.


Popping Pimples and Picking at Skin

Leaving a pimple alone can take a lot of self-restraint. Popping a pimple or picking at your skin increases disturbs the healing process and increases the risk of acne scaring and skin discoloration.


Not Wearing Sunscreen

UV rays from the sun can cause skin damage, which makes you more prone to scarring. UV rays can even darken any current scars and extend the healing process. It's important to wear sunscreen every day, not only when it's sunny.


Home Remedies

You may have read about an acne remedy using ingredients from your kitchen. The problem is that these ingredients might have healing properties, but you're probably not a chemist that can formulate those ingredients to be beneficial. These ingredients can also cause more irritation.


Find an Acne Scar Treatment That Works for You

Beautiful even skin is a goal for many people. Unfortunately, acne and acne scars can stand in the way of that. It can be discouraging to fight off acne and then be left with dimpled or discolored skin.

But know that there is hope to restore and improve your skin. No matter what kind of acne you have, there is an acne scar treatment that can work for you. Once you find the right match, all you need is time and persistence, and you can transform your skin.

Beautiful skin means using the right products. The Theraderm four-step system can help you achieve the beautiful skin you've always wanted. Browse our products and create your skincare routine today!