I’m not here to be your mom.

You don’t need me to be barking at you about getting your fruits and veggies.  Let’s be honest – I don’t LIKE vegetables.  Which is why I did a dance of joy in our family pediatrician’s office when she reminded me that fruits and veggies occupy the same category on the fruit pyramid for a reason – ergo: I can eat all the fruit I want without feeling guilty that I’m not ingesting the same amount of vegetables.

Now, don’t get me wrong – I know vegetables are good for me and I also know certain ones provide nutrients that can’t be found in other foods, however, I’ll cop to being excited about the health benefits (and better taste) of fruits.

I’ve taken to making myself a fruit smoothie – and this one is delicious.  The recipe is simple and I feel good about getting some of my main servings of fruits in each day.

  • 1 banana
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 container of your favorite yogurt (naturally the plain is the healthiest for you)
  • A splash of orange juice (this is the secret ingredient that makes it all combine so beautifully)

Naturally, there are a million variations on this….  I often add pineapple, peaches, raspberries and blueberries for additional health benefits (love those antioxidants), but this particular recipe is both simple and delightful. You can also add wheatgerm or kale for added nutrients without altering the taste much (though the more ‘greens’ you add, the greater the color change).


Enjoy your fruits and veggies.