7 Things Only a Woman with Dry Skin Can Understand

If you’ve ever tried to scratch your back on the corner of a building, you probably have dry skin. And while you may suffer with this condition year around, when the temperature drops and takes the humidity with it, there are days you could almost be mistaken for an alligator.

7 Things Only a Woman with Dry Skin Can Understand: 

1. The Itching
Waking up in the middle of the night to rake your fingernails over your skin repeatedly is the norm this time of year.

2. The Casual Scratching
When you are in public and your skin starts to itch -- you have find creative ways to discreetly scratch that itchy skin. You know, like corners of buildings or while hiding in bathroom stalls.

3. Secretly Wondering if Your Dusty House is Because of You
Really. You spend so much time scratching your skin, you know those flakes have to land somewhere

4. The Embarrassing Amount of Money You’ve Spent on Lotions/Creams/Gels
At this point, you’ll try anything.

5. The Constant Worry That People Wonder if You Are Part Reptile
You do look like you are shedding a complete layer of skin.

6. You Are Constantly Borrowing Lotion
It never fails. You head out the door and totally forgot your lotion. Now you have to ask everyone you know (or don’t know!) if you can borrow their lotion. Otherwise, you’ll start itching again.

7. It Doesn’t Stop With Dry Skin
As bad as the dry skin is, you can only wish it stopped there. Annoyingly, along with dry skin comes dry scalp -- aka dandruff. Also, your lips are constantly chapped.

Tired of struggling with dry skin? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered:

Extreme Dry Skin Therapy, formulated with the highest quality of lanolin available is perfect for you!