Another New Year reminds us that time is marching onward as is the aging process .  If healthier, beautiful skin is one of your goals for 2014 – we’ve made a short list of 14 resolutions you can make right now to achieve your goal!

  1. Drink more water.  Hydrate from inside and plump up cells that will help decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  2. Clean your makeup brushes monthly.  They harbor bacteria  that can cause acne breakouts.  What do you do if you get a breakout?  You reach for Reversion Clear Skin System!
  3. Eat more antioxidant-rich foods, such as blueberries, oranges and salmon.  Antioxidants help prevent UV damage.  Speaking of antioxidants, Theraderm’s OPC Reparative Gel contains one of the most powerful antioxidants available!  
  4. Wash your face nightly.  This is when your facial skin is repairing itself – let it breathe.
  5. Exfoliate at least once weekly.  Encouraging cellular turnover will tighten and brighten skin for a healthier glow. Looking for a gentle, non-abrasive exfoliator?  Try Theraderm’s NuPeel Natural Enzyme Peel.  Not only does it gently remove dull skin, it also contains an anti-aging peptide and retinol for smoother, tighter skin.
  6. Exercise at least 3 times weekly.  It stimulates circulation which increases healing properties and gives skin a rosy tone.
  7. Commit to a series chemical peels to rejuvenate and tighten skin.  Late fall and winter is the best time due to limited sun exposure. Find a skin care professional near you to discuss which Theraderm peel is right for you.
  8. Wear sunscreen DAILY.  Even if it is cloudy. Aging UVA rays are present from sunrise to sunset, so protect your skin!  Theraderm’s Platinum Protection Facial Sunscreen offers broad-spectrum protection with an SPF of 43.
  9. Stop using soap.  It’s time to use a gentle cleanser created specifically for delicate, facial skin.  Soap is drying and strips skin of oils.  Try Theraderm’s Cleansing Wash for a cleanser that is soap-free, oil-free and fragrance free!
  10. Make sure you are getting ample sleep.  Remember #4?  Skin repairs itself while we sleep – minimal sleep = minimal repair.
  11. Check the expiration dates of your skin care and cosmetics.  The new year is the perfect time to toss items that are more than 12 months old.
  12. Relax. Keep stress levels in check.  Make yourself a priority this year and see what a difference it makes!
  13. Don’t forget your lips and eyes.  Now is the time to invest in products specifically designed to nourish and heal these areas.  Theraderm’s Anti-Aging Lip Complex and Peptide Repair Eye Creme are perfect and because both contain peptides, fine lines and wrinkles will disappear soften and fade over time.
  14. Invest in products with peptides.  Peptides are clinically proven to lessen lines and wrinkles.  Additionally, they stimulate collagen production for firmer skin.  Theraderm offers a full line of anti-aging products that contain peptides, including the patented Soluble Keratin Peptide that is exclusive to our product line!

There you have it!  14 simple changes that will improve the health and beauty of your skin.  Do you have any additional tips for healthy skin!