These 10 habits are guaranteed to improve your appearance.  I know you are groaning on the inside because most of us just want to crash – but take these simple steps, and you will reap valuable benefits!

1.  Change your sheets

Yes…really!  Regularly changing your sheets is essential for healthier skin.  Dirt and debris (ewww) accumulate in your bed – so changing the sheets at least once weekly will clear up your skin.

2.  Lay out your fabulous outfit

Before falling jumping into bed – take a few minutes to choose your clothes for the following day.  This saves that frantic-last minute search and you will always look put together.

3.  Tweeze

Do this at night – that way, if you do experience swelling or irritation – it has approximately 8 hours to subside.

4.  Exfoliate Lips

Use a gentle sugar + olive oil exfoliant and follow up with a moisturizing balm – your lips will be soft and smooth by morning!

5.  Stretch

Gently stretching before bed will lengthen muscles making you feel leaner.  Additionally – stretching will relax you, which means you will sleep much better and you’ll wake up refreshed.

6.  Floss

Brushing is a no-brainer, but flossing becomes more and more important as we age.  Choose a floss with whitening properties so you can whiten while cleaning!

7.  Unlpug

An hour or two before bed, power down – EVERYTHING.  Laptop, iPad, gaming systems, cell phone – turn it all off.  The energy emitted from these devices is thought to disturb the production of melatonin which is critical to your sleep/wake cycle.

8.  Drink decaf tea

Step away from the caffeine.  Not only do they disturb sleep patterns – they can dehydrate you which increases the appearance of wrinkles and NO ONE wants that.

9.  Wash your face

Seriously ladies – I can’t believe I have to include this, but I can’t tell you how many women do not cleanse their faces before bed.  Get the grime of the day off the surface of your skin!

10.  Apply anti-aging products

At night, your body is in reparative mode.  Any anti-aging products will work better with the natural restorative nature of sleep.


Do these things nightly and come back in 30 days and tell me how your appearance has improved!