Dermaplaning - What You Need to Know


Should You Think About Dermaplaning?

Women shaving their face may sound like a crazy, anti-aging approach, but dermaplaning is different than the manly shave with razor and cream. You won’t believe what this simple procedure can do for your skin.

We all know that men’s skin seems to age slower than women’s. That truth is due to one reason: men get a regular exfoliation while shaving, making their skin a little more “wrinkle-resistant.”

Yes, there are those females who tout a daily zip of the electric shaver as part of their anti-aging routine. But there are safer and more effective ways to go about garnering the benefits of shaving. Enter…dermaplaning.

Isn’t this just a fancy term for shaving your face? Not really. Dermaplaning is a procedure you have done professionally that takes face-shaving to a whole new level.


It's Not a Silver Bullet

Often combined with other anti-aging procedures, like microneedling and microdermabrasion, dermaplaning exfoliates skin with a special instrument. A scalpel is used when done by a professional, but there are at-home options too. Tinkle is a facial razor many women are using to remove facial hair and groom brows. The at-home results will be decent - but nothing a professional can do with a medical-grade scalpel.

Dermaplaning devotees herald a long list of gorgeous skin benefits. Yes, there is the exfoliation factor and removal of unwanted hair. But dermaplaning is also said to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, increase skincare absorption, and make makeup application smoother and easier. Women with darker hair on their face will see an instant improvement in skin brightness with dermaplaning. Removal of vellus hair, or peach fuzz, also helps to reduce occurrence of acne because bacteria and oils won’t get trapped on skin’s surface.


What are the benefits of dermaplaning for different skin types?

In general, dermaplaning is great for all skin types. However, if you have active pustular acne, you should not dermaplane those areas. It’s a perfect treatment while you’re pregnant too! It’s safe and effective, and can really help with hormonal pregnancy breakouts significantly. Because dermaplaning allows skin care products to penetrate more readily - it will help keep your skin hydrated for a longer period of time.


How do you get the most effective dermaplaning?

Start with a gentle exfoliating method with NuPeel Natural Enzyme Peel. Then cleanse your face, and make sure your skin is dry. You want your skin dry in order to maximize the exfoliation. A professional dermaplane treatment will be a lot deeper as a 10 blade scalpel is used. It can also be combined with microdermabrasion, peels and microneedling. For home, you can use a light peel after dermaplaning, then apply serums and finish with a moisturizer.


Woman Apply Skin Care Treatment


How often should you dermaplane?

We recommend 1-2 times per month. It’s really a personal preference and depends on how quickly your hair grows back.


Does facial hair grow back thicker or darker?

Absolutely not, this is a total myth, and one we hope goes away forever soon! The structure of your hair follicle is not changing by simply shaving the vellus hair from your face.


Is there such a thing as too much exfoliating?

Yes, it is possible to over exfoliate. (We talk about that here: Are You Over-Exfoliating?) However, dermaplaning can be safely done 2-3 times a month. While dermaplaning may not be for every woman, we personally love the way it makes skin soft, smooth, bright and dewy!

We hope this helps you make an educated decision about whether or not you should be dermaplaning your skin!