Ahhhhh, summer. It’s the time of year that has its own set of rules and nothing, not even skincare is immune. Rising temperatures and humidity levels can wreak havoc on our skin if we don’t take care of it properly. The rules change when summer rolls around and your skincare needs to change with it.

5 Summer Skincare Mistakes You Need to Avoid:

1. You Don’t Change Your Moisturizer
Especially if you live in an area that experiences heightened levels of humidity in summer, you need to lighten up the moisture!

2. You Don’t Apply Sunscreen Properly
In order to get the best protection from your broad-spectrum (you are using broad-spectrum, right?) sunscreen, you need to apply it 30 minutes prior to sun exposure. You also need to reapply it every two hours -- even if you aren’t in the water.

3. You Use Too Many Acid-Based Products
Ever heard the expression, “less is more?” That definitely applies when it comes to using acid-based products on your face. Not only can they cause irritation but using too many can actually thin your skin leaving it susceptible to premature aging. One at a time will suffice, particularly in summer.

4. You Skip Exfoliating
Sweating, exposure to UV rays, pollution -- all these things can leave skin looking dull. Using a gentle exfoliator like NuPeel Natural Enzyme Peel, will keep skin looking fresh and prevent breakouts.

5. You Don’t Stay on Task
Those lazy summer days makes it easy to skip taking care of skin. But with the added layer of bacteria-harboring sweat, keeping your skin clean is important! And you really don’t want to skip washing your face before hitting the sack for the night. Your skin needs to breathe in order to repair itself. As tempting as it may be, don’t skip the skin care routine. Your skin will love you for it.

Keep your skin beautiful all year long with Theraderm Clinical Skin Care. We've got something for every skin type.