If you have a magnifying mirror, you’ve likely freaked out a little over a blackhead. Otherwise known as an “open comedone” by skin care professionals, blackheads form when hair follicles or pores become clogged due to hormonal changes or by certain ingredients in skin or hair products. While we understand it is highly tempting to pick, push, or scrub the tiny black bump out, experts say that’s a big no-no that can just make the situation worse by damaging skin and making it more likely for you to get additional blackheads in the future. Instead, keep your hands off and follow this guide to safely saying goodbye to blackheads for good.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads - Even if You Are an Adult:

1. Choose Your Face Wash Wisely
There are a few options you can try: Look for one containing salicylic acid, like Reversion Clarifying Cleanser with just 1% salicylic acid, it isn’t as drying as some. Use once a day to exfoliate and keep pores from becoming plugged. This also prevent blackheads—but the trick is to not wait until things come to the surface. You should continue to wash once to twice daily as part of a regular prevention routine.

2. Regular Exfoliation is Key
Gentle, enzyme peels work by peeling the superficial layer of skin to open up the comedones. Nupeel Natural Enzyme Peel is gentle enough to use every day and prevents dead skin buildup that can trap dirt in pores. Another great option is Fruit Acid Exfoliant that contains the active ingredient, lactic acid which acts as an exfoliant. This product also stimulates collagen production so you also get the anti-aging benefits! For really persistent blackheads, visit a skin care professional for a chemical peel.

3. Be Aware of Your Products 
Heavy ingredients in skin-care products, as well as gummy fillers in hair care that can travel to your skin when you sweat or spray are both notorious causes of blackheads. Makeup products like thick concealers and foundations may also be stealth offenders. If you notice a correlation between using certain products and blackheads popping up, stop using them.

The bottom line: Blackheads are stubborn. Successfully treating and preventing them takes consistent daily care with exfoliating ingredients—and which ones you use should depend on the severity of your case.